Wednesday, December 23, 2009

My Cocker Spaniel's coat is changing texture is this normal?

I recently had my Spaniel's coat trimmed, and they basically shaved my beautiful dog. Now, her fur is coming in again and it seems to be very curly and wavy. Used to be like this on top of her head, but now it's all over. Plus the texture of her coat is also changing. She is almost 1 and a half years old now, has been spayed, and she has been putting on weight since then. Otherwise everything else seems fairly normal. Is the change in texture normal?My Cocker Spaniel's coat is changing texture is this normal?
They do gain weight when they get fixed. That is normal. As for the changing texture of her coat, that could be due to having it cut too short, but it could be something that would have happened anyway due to hormones and maturity.

At 1 1/2 years old, she is just now ';officially'; a fully grown adult. Remember when you hit about 30 and you couldn't eat cheesecake without it going straight to your hips and your once-straight hair developed a weird cowlick? Same thing with your dog.My Cocker Spaniel's coat is changing texture is this normal?
I owned a cocker and as she got older her fur changed texture of her coat changed dramaticaly by the time she was ten she was curly all over. I think it may just be the bread
how long ago was this?? he could be shedding his winter coat which is of course totally normall a dogs winter coat is more fluffy, thick and soft and thicker and when it loses it winter coat it is more silky/wavy (for some breeds) and a bit thinner and it is about time for dogs to lose there winter coat a=mine is losing it already so brush your dogs every other day or more so that it doesn't shed all over your house! hope this helps!
Unfortunately the spaying will have had a detrimental effect on the coat - cockers coats generally go ';wooly'; after spaying. However, the situation was not helped by the ';sheep-shearing groomer. A Cockers coat should never be shaved, it should be handstripped to keep it in good condition. I would take her to a more experienced groomer in a month or two and see if they can correct the coat by handstripping (be warned it will take a long time for her coat to improve, but it will be worth it). I would also have a strong word with the so called groomer, she does not know her job. Good Luck
give it time, by the end of summer, he will be normal
could be

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