Sunday, December 27, 2009

Can you tell by the texture, thickness of sperm, that a man is fertile.?

So can you tell by the texture, thickness, or amount of ejaculation, whether you could have kids....without getting medically tested?Can you tell by the texture, thickness of sperm, that a man is fertile.?
They look at sperm count, motility, morphology, volume, fructose level and pH when testing. You can, at home, test your volume and assume from that your statistics for the rest.

It is safe to assume that fructose level and pH would be ok, as long as you have no infections. If you have pain when ejaculating, you have an infection or blockage. They also count your sperm, looking at the amount of normal guys versus abnormal guys, and how well they move. So you would not be able to see that without a microscope.

Outside of testing, you can test your volume and assume it would have a statistical amount of healthy sperm. The average volume is 2mL to 6.5mL, and you usually measure after saving for 72 hours. Use the cup that comes with cough syrup to measure. If you are less than 2mL, you'll need to get medically tested. If greater, you should be able to assume you have a normal amount of sperm. If you are greater than 6.5mL, that is fine, it just means you are loaded.

Now, regardless of your volume, you might have low sperm in it. So the higher the volume the better. The average in the US is 60 million little guys per 1mL. But, you only need 20 million per 1mL to be normal. The more volume you pump out, the better chances your sperm count would be fine for pregnancy.

If you have balls that hang, that is a good sign, as they need to be 2 degrees cooler than 98.6, our body temp, to make healthy sperm. If your balls are close to your body, wear boxers. Do not wear briefs or close clothing. Do not soak in hot water or use saunas. While trying for kids, lets your balls hang and eat healthy. You can only assume you are ok from your volume and that the rest is average.

Without medical testing, you can't be sure, and can only assume from your volume.Can you tell by the texture, thickness of sperm, that a man is fertile.?

That doesn't show the motility of the sperm. The fluid that is ejaculated with the sperm is made in the prostrate. So really doesn't have anything to do with fertility. You could actually take one ejaculate of one man and divide it by ten and impregnate ten women with it.

One would have to look at a sample of sperm under a microscope to really tell how fertile a man is.
i dont think so. I mean my BF couldnt tell he got a over the counter test and found out he had a low sperm count or is sterile but he wont get it check by a doctor. I dont think the thickness or texture matters that just depends on the last time of ejaculation the more you nut the thinner it will be or less comes out.
no you can not. Fertility is measure by the amount of viable sperm you have, not semen. You can only measure that in a lab or doctors office.
No. Only 2-5% of semen is even sperm, the rest is just extra stuff to add volume and to 'texture' the semen.

So when there are no sperm it appears and feels virtually the same.
yes, you actually can. if it is creamy and white, then the man is fertile. if it is clear, you are not fertile.
no.. i dont think so it can be based on thickness and texture of the semen or a sperm in that case to tell that someone is fertile.. you should examine it with a microscope...
buy a microscope squirt some on a piece of paper put the paper under a microscope if it moves its fertile
No - the density of sperm is based on your diet, chemistry etc..

The proof is in the pudding.
well, if its clear then he has a VERY low sperm count or not, he might be weird...
nope sorry, you have to go get checked out at the doctors.
nope no way of telling by looks

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