Friday, January 8, 2010

Does semen texture affect your child?

For example, how if you are dehydrated for extended periods of time, your semen contains yellow, jelly-like substances. Does this affect the chance of fertility? or increase the chance of a mental disorder etc.?Does semen texture affect your child?
Semen is nothing but a transport medium to get sperm cells to the egg. It has no effect on the development of the child. By the time the fertilized egg implants in the womb and begins growing into an embryo, the semen is all cleaned up or flushed away from the female reproductive tract.

Semen varies in consistency from one ejaculation to the next. The important thing for the future of the child is the quality of the sperm cells in it, which you can't see.

And an occasional yellow color in the semen is usually caused by some urine remaining in the urethra mixing with the semen while it's passing through. It's nothing to be worried about.Does semen texture affect your child?
Your going to want to restructure your title...

I kind of thought this was about something else lmao.

Texture could have an effect though, more viscous makes it harder for the sperm to move... the yellowness though? That needs to be checked asap, especially if it's a kind of discharge.

Vaginal viscosity also effects fertility, which is why some women who are trying to conceive masturbate frequently, it helps create a less acidic, less viscous interface for the sperm to move.

Male masturbation is hypothesized to have similar properties.
i think the way you eat(and drink) affects the sperm count in your sperm so it could affect fertility. dont know about the mental disorder stuff sorry.
I think you need your doctor to answer this one.
gross why you studying your ****..and answers no alot has to do with how the mother takes care of herself while prego

1 comment:

  1. In a comparison of several other tests used in the determination of infertility in couples, a semen analysis report is declared as a standard procedure throughout the world. The standardization of testing the sperm concentration and semen volume is done for a more accurate calculation of sperm output.
